I’m not beautiful, It’s just a phase

I’m not beautiful, It’s just a phase is a dance performance that embodies both text and
musicality, with the guiding themes of beauty and authenticity. This performance questions the
beauty ideals that are considered the norm in our society.
We are trying to create a beautiful dance that falls short of standard beauty ideals, whilst
involving other ways that can help us experience beauty. By bringing certain elements together,
beauty goes beyond just the visual. But ultimately we want to ask: is beauty even necessary?
In this performance, the dancers go in search of answers to find alternative ways in which one
can express beauty and feel beautiful. But they also play with the counterweight: ugliness.
Could there be beauty in that too?
Prevailing beauty ideals can have a negative influence on young (but also: older) people.
Insecurities, low self-esteem, obsession with appearance, … are things that can lead to serious
health problems. Nevertheless, this topic often remains undiscussed. Although beauty ideals are
timeless, today we live in a world in which we are continuously presented with unrealistic
images of ‘beauty’ on a massive scale via channels such as TikTok, Instagram, etc.
Through a lighthearted and positive lens, this performance demonstrates the opposite of the
imposed ideal of beauty by confronting the audience with authenticity and spontaneity.
I’m not beautiful, It’s just a phase wishes to create awareness among young people
about the constant pressure of the beauty industry; to make them reflect on the unrealistic
ideals of beauty, but also: to offer a perspective on what beauty could personally mean for each
individual. After all, beauty is more than just a trend or a slim line. This performance hopes to
ultimately convince the audience of that. This performance does not aim at establishing what
beauty is or should be; but tries to offer propositions that allow beauty to blossom.
This performance is for everyone from 14 years and older. Also for those who may not come into
contact with art much in their daily life.
(colloquial language: English)

Credits and video
Choreography: Pauline Thuriot
Performers: Amalia Guis, Pierre Bastin, Axelle Vienne, Anna Cirera
Coach: Bérengère Bodin
Costumes: Machias Bosschaerts
Light design: Tim Van Daele
Support on communication: Ismini Slijper, Beth Emmerson
Support: WALPURGIS/deFENIKS, De Sering, Liers Cultuurcentrum, Het Paleis, KunstZ, CORSO, Fameus
Photography: Jill Bertels