FountainFest: The Festival of Femxle Pleasure is a recurring, one-day, multidisciplinary festival dedicated to femxle pleasure.
A festive day full of art, performance, workshops and discussions that explore this expansive theme in a variety of ways.
Every edition of FountainFest focusses a different sub theme connected to femxle pleasure. Earlier this was: self-care. This edition highlights: sisterhood.
Our motivation for this festival arises from the oppression of female pleasure in a patriarchal society, evident in issues like inadequate research in women’s healthcare, sexual violence threats in public spaces, unequal pay, sexist beauty standards, and harmful gender norms. We aim to empower women to embrace their own pleasure and choices free from patriarchal constraints.
FountainFest aims to inspire and educate, challenge and empower her audience. We want to let people leave with food for thought and power to make a change. Just like a fountain we hope to create gentle but far reaching ripples through the city of Antwerp and beyond. We hope you will share these new experiences and connections with your colleagues, housemates, grandparents, neighbors and anyone who wants to hear it (or not)!
With a diverse festival program combining art, activism and academics, FountainFest adresses the topic of femxle pleasure on a variety of levels.
For and by who?
This initiative aims to bring womxn -and anyone else curious- from a diversity of cultures, generations and social backgrounds together to exchange, discuss, reflect on, express and celebrate their perceptions of pleasure, in a space drawn by sisterhood.
FountainFest is a project of SIDEWARDS, an international (dance) collective based in Antwerp that produces dance projects and organizes cultural events. This specific initiative was founded by three SIDWARDS members: Anna Tejero, Isabella Arboleda, and Ismini. Also known as: “The ClitChicks”

This is Ismini a.k.a ClitiMini.
When she’s not moving her hips to her favorite songs, she likes to dive into philosophic questions (especially underneath the shower) or to cook her favorite Greek dishes or to fantasize about what she wants to be when she grows up.
She feels most free when she’s floating in the Mediterranean sea, if it would be up to her it would be always summer vacation. But as that is not how grown up live works she keeps herself busy with dance projects, teaching and babysitting.
In a next live she hopes to reincarnate as a meandering river, passing by many different people, animals, countries and eventually debouch into mother ocean.
Fountainfest role: Administration, communication and programming

This is Anna a.k.a clitbananna.
She enjoys wandering around, hiding inside poetry and climbing deep into her thoughts. Within the depths of her mind, she can ponder her doubts and expand her curiosity for human emotion.
Since she started studying psychology, she has realised that humans are wonderful, complicated creatures.
Many days, Anna wakes up confused by her dreams, that often take form in conceptual film like fantasies. She regularly wonders what on earth her subconscious wants to say to her.
Anna’s eyelashes are constantly salty. We don’t know if it is because she grew up by the sea or perhaps it’s something to do with her hyperactive mirror neurones. If somebody cries in front of Anna, she can’t help but empathise and shed a tear herself.
Always accompanied by old soul music, she uses dance to navigate and discover diverse bodies and souls, as well as discovering more of herself! In this slippery life, Anna likes to follow the call of the disco ball and shake that booty.
Fountainfest role: communication, administration

This is Isabella a.k.a Clitsachick.
Isabella was born inside a Volcano, a silent one. Young and full of lava, she went out to discover other volcanos, streets and stages where to unleash a red energy that is still running through her veins. She is now joining forces with volcanic sisters in order to make dreams great again.
She recommends imagining this landscape, her landscape: somewhere with fire inside, soil outside and surrounded by water. This is where spells can happen.
Want to know more about this and the rest of her fantasies ?
Check this out:
Fountainfest role: communication, administration, programming
Live podcast – Samira Azabar in conversation with: Liesbeth Gijsel, Ianna Yaleeza Achtoven | (Hoola) Hoop Workshop – Rachaila Insenia | Writing Workshop – Emerald Liu | Collective Drawing – Martijntje Baarda | “Ditch Dance” (dance solo) – Ella My Blomdahl & Dimitra Sofroniou | Exposition – Hyster X Collective | “Daughters of the Sea” & “Carne” (short docu screenings) – Nicole Gormley & Camila Kater | Music Concert – Morange Miangue | DJ set – DJ iNess | Tattoo stand – TB Manifesto | Books – KifKif vzw. | Catering – Dilbi vzw.
The Festival of Femxle Pleasure
17th of December 2023
Kavka, Antwerpen